What is the NDIS?

What is the NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an important national scheme introduced by the Australian government to provide care and assistance to people suffering from partial or permanent disability who need personalised support. Considering the typical requirements and challenges people face while tackling physical constraints, the initiative was taken. The NDIS has approved several service providers in Australia who have the necessary skill and expertise to provide reliable support services to disabled people. The support services include helping them perform their daily tasks, travel to designated locations, engage in community activities, and care for their overall health and well-being. The main objective is to make those people motivated and confident to handle the challenges and develop the necessary life skills to take care of their personal goals and enjoy life.

What assistance does NDIS provide to people with disability?

  • The NDIS offers the opportunity to disabled persons and their families to avail of personalised care and support from professional and experienced service providers.
  • NDIS provides necessary assistance to people with disability to join in group activities, participate in community affairs, spend quality time with friends, and engage in recreational activities to keep them motivated and cheerful.
  • NDIS designs plans for clients that help them build social connections without feeling isolated and allow them to minimise the stress arising out of physical challenges. They can focus their time and energy more on the things most matter to them.

What type of support will the NDIS fund for?

There are funding options under NDIS to support its participants in carrying out the following activities.

  • Receiving assistance for daily personal activities
  • Support in routine works
  • Assistance in performing different household activities 
  • Behavioral support and regular health care
  • Purchasing equipment for movement purposes
  • Construction and modification of house
  • Modification and maintenance of vehicle for movement

Am I Eligible For The NDIS?

NDIS defines specific criteria for individual clients to avail themselves of the support facilities from the service providers. These are mentioned as follows:

  • Age should be below 65 years.
  • A resident of an area that is covered under NDIS.
  • Suffering from a critical or permanent disability that makes the client incapable of performing activities independently.
  • Needs the support of someone or equipment to perform the required activities. 
  • Must be a citizen of Australia or hold a permanent category visa or protected special category visa.
  • The client needs emergency support to deal with early signs of disability in a child.